For new clients:
Our client information form, which is completed by all clients of our services prior to the first meeting, is available online. Click here to fill it out in advance of your session, but please don't complete this form unless asked to do so. The form covers your basic information, what you need help with, and your insurance information. Please fill out the form at least 24 hours before your first appointment to give us time to review it.
Anyone receiving services at our practice should review our Notice of Privacy Practices. This covers how we store and use your private information in our practice. The most recent version of this document was posted to this website on July 24, 2020.
You will be asked to sign a form agreeing to our basic policies at your first appointment. You can read that form here.
For established clients:
If you would like us to communicate with someone about you, we'll need you to fill out our standard Release Form. Contact your PSSTL clinician if you need assistance filling out this form.
Occasionally it can be helpful to measure your current status. For individual clients, we like to use the Schwartz Outcome Scale-10. For couples, we like to use the Locke-Wallace Relationship Adjustment Test (print out two copies; each partner fills one out).
For former clients:
It is extremely helpful to us if you are willing to provide some opinions about the services you received. An anonymous questionnaire can be accessed here for this purpose. Thank you for your feedback!